Nestled within the picturesque Las Gaviotas Development in the vibrant coastal town of Fajardo, this exquisite two-story residence offers the epitome of tropical living. Boasting a total of 5 bedrooms 4 bathrooms and approx. 2,790 sq ft, this captivating property is a haven of comfort, luxury, and sweeping views of the marina and the endless Caribbean Sea. This property has two units, one on the top floor, and one on the ground floor, with independent entrances. Can be rented out separately or together.
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Nestled within the picturesque Las Gaviotas Development in the vibrant coastal town of Fajardo, this exquisite two-story residence offers the epitome of tropical living. Boasting a total of 5 bedrooms 4 bathrooms and approx. 2,790 sq ft, this captivating property is a haven of comfort, luxury, and sweeping views of the marina and the endless Caribbean Sea. This property has two units, one on the top floor, and one on the ground floor, with independent entrances. Can be rented out separately or together.
Video Walkthrough:
En encontraras el inventario de propiedades mas amplio en ForSale House OceanViews Las Gaviotas Fajardo Bienes Raices Fajardo Puerto Rico