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Los Clasificados de Puerto Rico en el Internet

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Frequently Asked Questions
What is ClasificadosOnline?
Is it Really FREE?
How do I view Ads?
What is the Ad Number and why do I need it?
How do I send my questions and comments to you?
How do I post my Ad?
What if there is no category for my ad?
How can I post a picture with my ad?
How can I change my ad?
How long wil my ad stay online?
How can I contact the person listing the ad?

What is ClasificadosOnline?
ClasificadosOnline is an ad service for users who live or have business in Puerto Rico. ClasificadosOnline allows searching for ads in specific categories. Anyone with a Web browser can view ads, place ads or respond to ads. ClasificadosOnline is a fast and easy way to buy and sell through the Internet in Puerto Rico.

Is it Really Free?
yes, FREE, $0, Nothing. Ads in Real Estate For Sale, Real Estate For Rent Long Term, Articles for Sale, Cars, boats, Motorcycles, and vehicles are FREE, 0, nothing, nada. We will not charge you know, we will not charge you later.

Ads in Vacation and Business Guide are NOT free. Are $29.95 per month.. One month at a time.

How do I reply to ads?
El anunciante proveerá una dirección electrónica, o un número de teléfono de acuerdo a lo que el anunciante escoja. Si acaso, ésta información no estuviera, puede escribirnos a [email protected] En este caso, recuerde incluir el número del anuncio.

How do I view ad?
You can search ClasificadosOnline from any page by clicking the icon that represents your area of interest. In the search, you can specify attributes according to the category. Your search will provide a result list. You can sort the list in the order you would like to see it.

How do I send my questions and comments to you?
Send e-mail to Customer Service. We appreciate any comments or suggestions that will help make this service the best it can be.

What is the Ad number and why do I need it?
When you place your ad, the Ad number will be automatically assigned. This number is unique to your ad. The Ad number is useful to match a picture to your ad or to make corrections.

How do I post my own Ad?
First, select "Post an Ad".
Second, select the ad category and fill in the blanks. It is suggested to review all the information posted, re-check you e-mail address, phone number and pertinent information, because you ad will be posted immediately after you click Post, the next page will provide the ad number and the expiration date.

What if there is no category for my ad?
If you have an ad that does not seem to fit into any subclass...or even category...just e-mail us at [email protected] and let us know. We will try to respond to any request to enhance ClasificadosOnline. We always appreciate your feedback and support.

Can I post a picture in my ad?
Sure!! Actually, we strongly suggest it because it will will make your ad more effective. If you have access to a scanner or a digital camera, you must submit your picture in .JPG format. To post the photo, visit your ad, click on the text that reads "es este su anuncio, publique la foto hoy", you will receive an email at the email address posted in the ad. Click on the link that is on the email and upload your photo once.


The name of the photo must be without symbols or accents

The file should be small to avoid time out errors


How do I change my ad?
Write us with your changes at customer service, just remember to specify your Ad number.

¿How long will my ad stay online?
Ads for Transportation vehicles, will stay 28 days, Jobs, Articles and Pets ads last 15 days.. Real Estate for Sale, Real Estate For Rent last 40 days.

How can I contact the person listing the ad?
The advertiser will provide either an email address, a phone number or both. If the ad does not have any of them, just write to [email protected] so we can remove the ad.


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