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Bienes Raices Culebra
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ALERTA AL FRAUDE, Aprenda a Defenderse, ¡Sobre 2 Billónes de Páginas vistas al año! Gracias Puerto Rico

Waterfront Land in Ensenada Fulladosa en Culebra, Bienes Raices Culebra en Playa Sardinas II Puerto Rico

Property with an extent of 2,048 meters² that has been recently surveyed with topographical maps and GPS coordinates, indicating the perfect zoning for your dream home. This lot offers spectacular views over the bay and surrounding hills from any part of the property. Situated in a prime location on the banks of the beautiful Ensenada Fulladosa, this property is located in one of the most protected areas of the island. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to secure one of the last available waterfront areas in Culebra with property title and property deed. The property also includes architectural design plans for the construction of a four story - six bedroom house, land survey and percolation test.

Bienes Raices Culebra Puerto Rico, Playa Sardinas II

En encontrarás el inventario de propiedades más amplio en Waterfront Land in Ensenada Fulladosa Bienes Raíces Culebra Puerto Rico

Clasificados de Bienes Raices Culebra Real Estate Culebra, Playa Sardinas II Puerto Rico

Bienes Raices a la Venta en Waterfront Land in Ensenada Fulladosa en Culebra Puerto Rico , Bienes Raices Playa Sardinas II en Puerto Rico

Playa Sardinas II Puerto Rico, Bienes Raíces Culebra Puerto Rico Real Estate

Real Estate for sale in Playa Sardinas II Puerto Rico , Culebra Puerto Rico



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