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Jaguas Puerto Rico

** 150 acres on top of the mountains **, Barrio-Jaguas

Precio $3,500,000
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Real Estate Puerto Rico

Comercial, 0 Cuartos0 Baños ,** 150 acres on top of the mountains ** en Gurabo, Puerto Rico, Perched atop the highest peak of the mountains, where the air is crisp and pure, this 150-acre expanse offers a breathtaking panorama. To the north lies the vast expanse of the Atlantic Ocean and the metropolitan area of San Juan. To the south, the Central Mountains of Puerto Rico, Caguas, and the picturesque Turabo Valley form a stunning backdrop. Designed as the envisioned Hacienda Mirador, this land was originally conceived as a residential and touristic development. The plan included the construction of hotels, time-share condominiums, and residential homes, with some of the structures still standing today. Just 35 minutes to San Juan and 15 minutes to both Caguas and Montehiedra. The property already features a well-established water and electricity distribution system. ©

Clasificados Puerto Rico
# 4572538
Barrio-Jaguas Bienes Raices Gurabo

Blue Waters Realty
Claudia Rosario

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Barrio-Jaguas Puerto Rico,, Sobre 1 Billon de Paginas vistas al año! Gracias Puerto Rico!

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Bienes Raices
Jaguas Puerto Rico

Barrio-Jaguas, ** 150 acres on top of the mountains ** en Gurabo, Bienes Raices Gurabo en Puerto Rico

Comercial, 0 Cuartos 0 Baños , ** 150 acres on top of the mountains ** en Gurabo Puerto Rico

Bienes Raices Gurabo Puerto Rico, Clasificados Online de Bienes Raices en Gurabo Puerto Rico ** 150 acres on top of the mountains **

En encontraras el inventario de propiedades mas amplio en ** 150 acres on top of the mountains ** Bienes Raices Gurabo Puerto Rico Barrio-Jaguas

Perched atop the highest peak of the mountains, where the air is crisp and pure, this 150-acre expanse offers a breathtaking panorama. To the north lies the vast expanse of the Atlantic Ocean and the metropolitan area of San Juan. To the south, the Central Mountains of Puerto Rico, Caguas, and the picturesque Turabo Valley form a stunning backdrop. Designed as the envisioned Hacienda Mirador, this land was originally conceived as a residential and touristic development. The plan included the construction of hotels, time-share condominiums, and residential homes, with some of the structures still standing today. Just 35 minutes to San Juan and 15 minutes to both Caguas and Montehiedra. The property already features a well-established water and electricity distribution system., Bienes Raices Gurabo, Real Estate Gurabo

Clasificados de ** 150 acres on top of the mountains ** en Gurabo, Barrio-Jaguas Bienes Raices en Puerto Rico

Real Estate Gurabo

Jaguas Puerto Rico



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