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MultiGym Powertec Especial Price Puerto Rico
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Puerto Rico MultiGym Powertec Especial PriceThe Powertec Workbench Multisystem is the market leader in multi-station leverage gyms. This compact, revolutionary design provides total body training for up to three users simultaneously. The MS can be accessorized with a wide variety of modular attachments to grow with your training needs. Ideal for home use, personal trainers and light commercial facilities. New and improved angled stainless-steel weight horns, extra adjustable press arms settings and improved padding material all elevate the Multisystem to new heights. For Exercise Chart, Machine Dimensions and Weight Capacity, see 'Additional Information' below.Equipo de ejercicios PR
Máquinas de ejercicios PR MultiGym Powertec PR
Pesas PR
Bicicleta de ejercicios PR
Elípticas PR
Trotadoras PR MultiGym Powertec PR
Deportivos Gimnasio Puerto RicoMultiGym Powertec Especial Price a la venta en Puerto Rico, Precio