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Categoria: Arboles Plantas Flores
MaxiGro™ and MaxiBloom™ are extremely potent, stand-alone, water-soluble, dry concentrate nutrients. Complete in primary, secondary and micro nutrients, pH buffered MaxiGro™ and MaxiBloom™ will provide superior results when used with a wide variety of crops in both hydroponic and soil-based environments. MaxiGro™ encourages growth of seedlings, cuttings, and stimulates rapid growth through the vegetative growth stage.HIDROPONICO
MaxiGro 10 - 5 - 14 1
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MaxiGro 10 - 5 - 14 Puerto Rico
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Puerto Rico MaxiGro 10 - 5 - 14MaxiGro™ and MaxiBloom™ are extremely potent, stand-alone, water-soluble, dry concentrate nutrients. Complete in primary, secondary and micro nutrients, pH buffered MaxiGro™ and MaxiBloom™ will provide superior results when used with a wide variety of crops in both hydroponic and soil-based environments. MaxiGro™ encourages growth of seedlings, cuttings, and stimulates rapid growth through the vegetative growth stage.HIDROPONICO
Arboles Plantas Flores Puerto RicoMaxiGro 10 - 5 - 14 a la venta en Puerto Rico, Precio