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# Clasificado 2136527 Classified # 2136527

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DescripciónDescription The Technical Associate will be a team-player in a ‘start-up culture’ context and will need to feel comfortable taking on multiple roles, given the participation in a wide range of activities. The ideal candidate will not only have technical acumen but will also provide support to project management activities and feel comfortable jumping into Puerto Rico community meetings and presenting in high-level meetings. Any and all are welcome to apply. Duties and Responsibilities: • Electrical engineering support • Community engagement lead • Project management support • Construction management support • Research and program support • Data analysis and financial modeling support • Operations support • Report / grant writing support • Advocate and Represent EarthSpark International • Contribute to Social Media and Brand Management • Any and all other duties as required. Requisitos Requirements Skills and Qualifications: - Excellent writing and speaking skills in English and Spanish required - Proficiency in French and/or Haitian Creole preferred - Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite - Ability to work with others - Excellent organization, great attention to detail, and ability to self-motivate - Willingness and interest to discover, understand and empathize with other cultures - Strong sense of community - Dedication to improving rural access to clean energy services - Up-to-date driver’s license and access to means of transportation in Puerto Rico strongly preferred - Experience living in and willingness to travel to “Least Developed Countries” (United Nations definition) both preferred Education and Experience - See posting for education and experience details and any other related information to the position

BeneficiosBenefits Package EarthSpark seeks to add benefits in the future, but this is currently a simple contractor arrangement without additional benefits. EarthSpark envisions the role to be at least one year with room for growth.
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Empleos en Puerto RicoJobs in Puerto Rico
EarthSpark International

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