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Toa Alta PR 00600 Toa Alta
# Clasificado 2132985 Classified # 2132985

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DescripciónDescription * Purchase and supply of material to all construction projects of the company. * Procure and follow-up to obtain quotes for all materials needed for the construction projects of the company during the estimating process and eventually during the construction period. * Estimate quantities and cost of materials, equipment, and labor based on drawings and specifications provided to determine project feasibility. * Perform material and labor cost analysis to decide cost effectiveness. * Knowledge of materials, methods, and tools involved in the construction of buildings, civil works, utilities, and other structures such as highways and roads. * Knowledge of the local supply market for the construction business. * Preparation of the technical submittals required for the materials for the construction project. Requisitos Requirements * Previous construction industry experience REQUIRED. * Able to work efficiently under tight deadlines. * Fluent in Spanish and English. * Experience with MS Office required. * Self-initiative

BeneficiosBenefits Package Minimum 3 years of experience. Degree in Engineering, Construction Management, or Business Administration strongly preferred. Government job order contract experience desired. Salary and benefits according to experience.
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Empleos en Puerto RicoJobs in Puerto Rico
Ortiz Group Engineering Corp

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