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# Clasificado 2130683 Classified # 2130683

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DescripciónDescription We are looking for a motivated and detail-oriented Associate Broker to join our dynamic team. This role is ideal for someone with 6 to 18 months of experience in brokerage, real estate, or a related field who is eager to develop their expertise in the luxury market, and has a current real estate broker or salesperson license. Key Responsibilities •? Engage with clients to facilitate, conduct and close real estate related transactions.? •? ?Assist in managing transactions, negotiations, and client communications. •? ?Conduct market research and analysis to support decision-making. •? ?Collaborate with senior brokers to build and maintain client relationships. •? ?Prepare documents, reports, and presentations as needed. •? ?Ensure compliance with industry regulations and company policies. Requisitos Requirements Qualifications •? ?6 to 18 months of relevant experience preferred. •? ?Strong communication and negotiation skills. •? ?Ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment and manage multiple tasks. •? ?Knowledge of market trends and brokerage operations. •? ?Valid Puerto Rico real estate license is required. What We Offer •? ?Unmatched opportunities for professional development and mentorship. •? ?A collaborative, fun and dynamic work environment in a beautiful and strategic San Juan office location. •? ?Top-tier resources and support to help you succeed. If you’re ready to take the next step in your brokerage career, we’d love to hear from you!

BeneficiosBenefits Package Qualifications •? ?6 to 18 months of relevant experience preferred. •? ?Strong communication and negotiation skills. •? ?Ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment and manage multiple tasks. •? ?Knowledge of market trends and brokerage operations. •? ?Valid Puerto Rico real estate license is required. What We Offer •? ?Unmatched opportunities for professional development and mentorship. •? ?A collaborative, fun and dynamic work environment in a beautiful and strategic San Juan office location. •? ?Top-tier resources and support to help you succeed. If you’re ready to take the next step in your brokerage career, we’d love to hear from you!
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Christie's International Real Estate PR

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