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Area Oeste PR 00600 Area Oeste
# Clasificado 2129086 Classified # 2129086

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DescripciónDescription AEP America offers design and preconstruction services for real estate developers and corporate development teams. We offer architecture, MEP engineering, permitting, and construction management for commercial projects across the US. AEP America Purpose Statement: We help clients build better, faster, and smarter—while shaping the future of development. Role Starting Pay: $22 - $30 hourly (as a contractor) Includes 90 day evaluation Role Location: Remote Direct Reports: CEO Purpose: Manage the permitting phase to secure plan approvals and prepare the projects for construction while maintaining effective internal and external communication to keep the projects progressing and the teams updated and informed. Requisitos Requirements REQUIREMENTS: - Permitting experience - research and submittal building & health permits - Comfortable working independently and remotely - Excellent follow-up, deadline, schedule, and time management skills - Personable and friendly client-focused service mentality - Ability to communicate with clients, architects, engineers, municipalities, and other project stakeholders in a clear, professional manner (both written and verbal) - Availability - available to respond to urgent project needs as they arise.

BeneficiosBenefits Package - Fulfilling project work - Not tasks but service to the team and project - A winning team—where people push and pull each other to be better. - Opportunities to grow—training, career advancement, and leadership roles - A future-focused mindset—learning valuable skills that open doors - Flexibility—remote work, technology stipends, multiple payment options. - Competitive pay & profit-sharing bonuses—rewarding excellence.
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Empleos en Puerto RicoJobs in Puerto Rico
AEP America

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