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Area Metro PR 00600 Area Metro
DescripciónDescription The Trainer and Content Manager will be responsible for the development of the content, based on science or promising practices, of training/technical assistance (TAs). This manager will be developing, with the support of experts andconsultants, the educational activities and products of the Center, including serve as a trainer. Master in Counseling Psychology or Clinical/Public Health with at least 2 years of experience working with students, or knowledge in mental health issues of Latino students living in the US, Ph.D Clinical Psychology. Outstanding communication, excellent organizational and time management skills, and be available to travel frequently. Demonstrated ability to meet and manage multiple deadlines. Robust analytical, managerial and interpersonal skills and a demonstrated ability to work in a collaborative, team environment with mental health professionals Requisitos Requirements Must be able to prepare clear, sound, accurate, and informative reports. Ability to participate in cohesive work groups while also able to work independently with minimum supervision. Detail-oriented, organized and able to keep orderly records. The candidate should posses technology literacy in the use of Microsoft 365, online collaborative tools (e.g., Sharepoint, Dropbox, OneDrive) and online meeting and training environments (e.g., Zoom, Teams, GotoMeeting). Speak and write in the English language. This position requires 5-7 out-of-state trips per year.

Con Alguna Experiencia Requires Intermediate Experience BeneficiosBenefits Package If interested, please email your resume at: [email protected].
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Empleos en Puerto RicoJobs in Puerto Rico
Universidad Central del Caribe

Empleos en Puerto RicoJobs in Puerto RicoSalud / Medicina
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