Loíza Puerto Rico
en Barrio - Parcelas Vieques |
Cuartos 3, Baños 2, Repo
Vendido/Sold by: José Luís Lazcano Lic C-10792
Anuncio Removido, Ad Expired on 08/08/2024 13:59:44
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OPCIONADO PARCELAS VIEQUES 3 CUARTOS 2 BANOS en Loíza, Bienes Raices Loíza en Parcelas Vieques Puerto Rico
EXCELENTE OPORTUNIDAD INVERSION, REQUIERE ALGUNAS REPARACIONES , , BUENA UBICACION, SOLAR DE 240 Mts Approx . 3 CUARTOS 2 BANOS PROSPECTOS DEBEN TENER CARTA DE PRECUALIFICACION Y / O EVIDENCIA DE FONDOS PARA AGENDAR CITA. Offers will be entertained after property has been exposed on the MLS for 7 calendar days. All contracts and offers are subject to final review and approval of seller, all offers or contracts are not binding unless the entire agreement is ratified by all parties. All offers must be submitted by the Buyer's agent via the RES.NET Agent Portal. If your offer is accepted, you agree to be responsible for an offer submission technology fee of $150.00. The fee will be included on the closing disclosure and paid at the closing of the transaction. Buyer Agent Comm 3%
Bienes Raices Loíza Puerto Rico, Parcelas Vieques
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Clasificados de Bienes Raices Loíza Real Estate Loíza, Parcelas Vieques Puerto Rico
Bienes Raices a la Venta en OPCIONADO PARCELAS VIEQUES 3 CUARTOS 2 BANOS en Loíza Puerto Rico , Bienes Raices Parcelas Vieques en Puerto Rico
Parcelas Vieques Puerto Rico, Bienes Raices Loíza Puerto Rico Real Estate
Real Estate for sale in Parcelas Vieques Puerto Rico , Loíza Puerto Rico |