Garden Hills Estates-Exceptional home, 3b, 2.5b, double garage, pool, exclusive gated community. Close to schools, supermarket, restaurants,pharmacies, hospital among other primary services.
POF required for showings.
Call now 787-922-6959.
Garden Hills Estates-Exceptional home, 3b, 2.5b, double garage, pool, exclusive gated community. Close to schools, supermarket, restaurants,pharmacies, hospital among other primary services.
POF required for showings.
Call now 787-922-6959.
En encontrarás el inventario de propiedades más amplio en Garden Hills Estates-Gated community 3b,2.5b,Pool Bienes Raíces Guaynabo Puerto Rico
Bienes Raices a la Venta en Garden Hills Estates-Gated community 3b,2.5b,Pool en Guaynabo Puerto Rico , Bienes Raices Garden Hills Estates en Puerto Rico