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San Juan - Condado-Miramar Puerto Rico Apartamento en Condominio - Magdalena 1309
Magdalena 1309 Puerto Rico
Calculadora Hipotecaria Puerto Rico Bienes Raices San Juan - Condado-Miramar

Cuartos - 2
Baños - 2
Condominio - Magdalena 1309, San Juan - Condado-Miramar
$575,000 OBO
1450 p/c -ft2
Sherry Woolard

Telefono 7866736828

Bienes Raices San Juan - Condado-Miramar

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Clasificados Puerto RicoPrestamos hipotecarios Puerto Rico 2/2 and 1 designated pkg ensuring that you always have a secure and hassle-free place for your vehicle. Beat the heat with inverters A/Cs. This building boasts a full power generator, ensuring uninterrupted electricity supply, and a water cistern guaranteeing a constant and reliable water supply. Revel in the natural light and fresh air with brand-new windows. Kitchen stainless steel appliances. Nestled across from Stella Maris Church and park with proximity to top schools, hospitals, restaurants, and the beach, you'll find everything you need just around the corner. Dedicated security guard and a tele-entry system, ensuring controlled access to the premises. Don't miss the opportunity to make this gem yours! Schedule a viewing today. Descripcion

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ALERTA AL FRAUDE, Aprenda a Defenderse, ¡Sobre 2 Billónes de Páginas vistas al año! Gracias Puerto Rico

OPPORTUNITY: PRIME LOCATION STELLA MARY PARK en San Juan - Condado-Miramar, Bienes Raices San Juan - Condado-Miramar en Magdalena 1309 Puerto Rico

2/2 and 1 designated pkg ensuring that you always have a secure and hassle-free place for your vehicle. Beat the heat with inverters A/Cs. This building boasts a full power generator, ensuring uninterrupted electricity supply, and a water cistern guaranteeing a constant and reliable water supply. Revel in the natural light and fresh air with brand-new windows. Kitchen stainless steel appliances. Nestled across from Stella Maris Church and park with proximity to top schools, hospitals, restaurants, and the beach, you'll find everything you need just around the corner. Dedicated security guard and a tele-entry system, ensuring controlled access to the premises. Don't miss the opportunity to make this gem yours! Schedule a viewing today. Descripcion

Bienes Raices San Juan - Condado-Miramar Puerto Rico, Magdalena 1309

En encontrarás el inventario de propiedades más amplio en OPPORTUNITY: PRIME LOCATION STELLA MARY PARK Bienes Raíces San Juan - Condado-Miramar Puerto Rico

Clasificados de Bienes Raices San Juan - Condado-Miramar Real Estate San Juan - Condado-Miramar, Magdalena 1309 Puerto Rico

Bienes Raices a la Venta en OPPORTUNITY: PRIME LOCATION STELLA MARY PARK en San Juan - Condado-Miramar Puerto Rico , Bienes Raices Magdalena 1309 en Puerto Rico

Magdalena 1309 Puerto Rico, Bienes Raíces San Juan - Condado-Miramar Puerto Rico Real Estate

Real Estate for sale in Magdalena 1309 Puerto Rico , San Juan - Condado-Miramar Puerto Rico



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